When I decided to take a jump into my business, I thought to myself, "Ya it would be nice to have just a little extra money each month. Every little bit helps!!!" Ya, my husband has a full time job, and I work part time outside of the home. BUT..thats not really the point. The point is, that I wanted to help my family out if I could, with just a little more income. I thought, if all these other people can go out and do something like this, then why can't I? It didnt take long before I had decided, I was in. I mean, why not? I didn't have anything to lose and everything to gain. I'd never done anything like this before. And Im glad that I did.
Why? Because jumping in with both feet first, has proven to be a good thing for our family. I have said it before and I will say it again, as many times as I need to say it. I have said from DAY 1 of making this decision that IF we made some extra $, great!! If we didn't make a dime, GREAT! How would we know what would happen if we didn't take that chance? But, we have generated a little extra income and its allowed us to pay some medical bills that we've needed to get caught up on. For the first time in THREE years, I was able to pay for my son to go to church camp this summer! Do you know what its like to be able to pay for something, where in the past, you worked your tail off to get some extra cash, and no matter what, you just didn't get to take care of whatever you were wanting to take care of?!!
I'm so thankful that my son has been able to go to Falls Creek with our church the times that he has, but to be able to pay for it on my own for a change, is a huge thing. To be able to take a medical bill thats been laying on the counter, getting shoved under other bills, and totally forgotten about....and I can take it and get it paid off now? Its a GREAT feeling. Had I NOT taken the steps to try to help us out financially, even just a little bit, those medical bills would still be there and my son would probably not go to camp this year.
I've been told that the only reason I decided to do this and get into biz with Zeal is 'because of all the #$% $#%^ money I'd make.." Well let me just tell you something. Thats NOT IT!!! And let me add, that you have NO IDEA what some people may be going through. You don't have any idea why they may be trying to bring in some extra money. Its not any of your business to be quite frank about it. Especially if all you are going to do is belittle someone and put them down for trying to take additional steps to financial freedom. As I said, the little bit of extra cushion is nice between pay days, but thats not the reason I did it. I started the product and was floored at how much better I felt. I thought, heck, if I feel this good then I KNOW other people will want to feel good. Why not share it with them? I was tired of feeling like CRAP--sorry, I felt the need to be blunt there, just not too blunt. But I was sick to death of getting up each day, feeling horrible, tired after sleeping--even with taking something to help me sleep, feeling exhausted ALL DAY LONG, my joints aching, making me feel like I must be about 80, ETC. Once I was on the product for 2 weeks, I knew I had to move forward and I knew I was suppose to share it with anyone I could. And share with folks is what I will continue to do.
So how about you? Could YOU use a little extra income each month? Could you stand to feel better? Of course!! Everyone needs vitamins!! And its MUCH easier to take Zeal Wellness. You get EVERYTHING you need each day--over 120+ things, all in one little 6oz drink. I'd much rather get a bottle of that, add some juice to it, shake it up, chug it and GO!!!!!! Who has time to stand there and swallow a boat load of pills? Better yet, who WANTS to stand around and swallow a bunch of pills. Crazy if you ask me!
As I said, you have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain, if you will just TRUST ME, and the other 15,000+ people who have taken the same leap of faith that Kyle and I chose to take.
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