I hear it every day. "I'm sick of my job!" "I hate working here!!" "I just don't have any time to spend with my kids, because I'm always at work." "I feel like crud." "I'm so tired and have no energy..."
If $1 for every time I said that I felt horrible, and was tired, and that my joints hurt, I'd be rolling in the dough by now. Because I was TIRED. Kinda hard to not be tired when you have chronic fatigue syndrome! Kinda hard to get around every single day at when your knees hurt so bad it feels like they could just shatter and explode with the slightest pressure. And yet I still got up each and every day and did what I had to do to make it through the day. Why? Because I REFUSED to let my health issues keep me from helping to provide for my family. That was a CHANGE that I made. I did have days that I didnt want to get out of bed. I didn't want to get up and go to work, I didnt want to get up and do school with the kids. I just didnt want to get up and do anything. But I knew that something had to change and that I was the only one who could make that change for MYSELF! It was not easy to do. But I made up my mind that I was going to do it. But I decided to make even more changes in January of this year.
I decided to make some changes for myself health wise. I was sick and tired of being sick and TIRED. I was sick of taking numerous medications to help me sleep, and keep me from having migraines, etc. I tried a neat little product called Zeal Wellness. I had no idea what it was. I'd seen it, but I didnt know what it was. I tried it, I liked it(Just like Mikey!!!) and that was the beginning of LOTS OF CHANGES for my family!
Choices. You have a CHOICE to CHANGE things for the better. Stop making excuses. Pretty sad when my 8 year old can even say that. "Just quit making excuses and just DO IT!" per Tobi K. Otwell
Don't sit around and listen to what everyone else says. Don't listen to all of the what if's and buts, etc that come from everyone else. Make the decision for YOURSELF!! You can not change anything unless you WANT things to change. Plain and simple!
“You say that you want things to change for you and your family, right?”
“the only way things are going to change for you is when you change.
What are you going to change that will in turn change your life? If you
keep on living like the way you are now, you will continue to produce the same life that you already have. That’s the way it works.”
Excerpt From: Jim Rohn & Chris Widener. “Twelve Pillars.” Jim Rohn International and Chris Widener International. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
Check out this book on the iBookstore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/twelve-pillars/id459855496?mt=11
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