
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Colton's Journey

November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  Its Diabetes Awareness in our house every single day.  24/7  365 days a year.  There are no days off, no taking a break, or taking a vacation from diabetes.  
Hundreds of little kids, teens and adults alike are diagnosed with Diabetes, every single day.   When its your own child, your world tends to be rocked just a little bit.  
Our son was diagnosed in 2000 at the age of just 2.  The signs and symptoms were there--for over 4 months!  I will forever be thankful for a friend, who was also our neighbor, for urging us to get him back to the doctor one more time.  I look back and can remember the days just before he was diagnosed and had I not listened to her urging, and ignored taking him back to the doctor, he wouldn't be here more than likely.  
I remember the day before we got a definite diagnosis, like it was yesterday   The sky was dark, and it was pouring down rain while I was at the doctors office with him.  It was late afternoon, and by the time we were done, we were the last ones to leave.  The doctor came in and just sat there, looking over his charts.   Next, I would hear the words that no momma wants to hear.  "Your son has sugar and protein in his urine.  He will need to go see a specialist tomorrow(SATURDAY) and will need to get started right away on insulin, and he will need to take insulin the rest of his life."
WHAT??  Insulin?  That's a medication that only OLD people have to take!!--At least that was my thought at the time.  The only other thing I knew about insulin was that it was little vials of clear liquid that were kept in the fridge.   Little did I know that I was about to be educated on just exactly what insulin was and who all used it-- Our family and friends would quickly be learning lots about diabetes as well.   
 We know that there will continue to be bumps in the road as we continue this journey, but we know that Christ is still going to be there with us each and every step we take.  In fact, over the last 3 years, we have hit a couple more bumps.   Since learning about the diabetes in June of 2000, we have also learned that he has Hashimotos, and Celiac.  Hashimotos is a thyroid condition, and he can take meds for it,  and Celiac means that he can't have any gluten.  In his case?  They all 3 go hand in hand.  It was clear to me in 2000, and its clear to me 15 years later, that the Lord has always been right there with us, and that He will continue to be there with us.  Jeremiah 29:11 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Paint, Paint and YES, MORE PAINT

I am all about drawing and crafty stuff.  And so is my daughter.  She's only 9 and yet she has an amazing God given talent for free hand drawing and comes up with craft stuff that I never would have dreamed of coming up with on my own, even at my 42 years of age.  She's made her own Winter the dophin out of paper--mechanical tail and everything.    I never know what Im going to see when I pick her up from my parents after I get off of work, or what Im going to find when I come home from work on the days my husband is off.

This week her choice for some of her 'school' was making play dough, which was neat.  I have tried myself to make play dough many times and it never turned out.  My husband and her made this on Tuesday, but failed to take any pics of the process.  That's ok thought b/c I saw the results of it when I got home.

Her next choice was making her own PAINT!  Now that was cool.  She was texting me pics of the progress as she was making it.  She had so much fun doing this that she made even more yesterday.  No more BUYING paint.  Most people should pretty much have everything in your kitchen already.
Salt, flour, water and food coloring.

This is the kind of things that she will not learn sitting in a classroom of 16-20 students.  They are not going to take the time to gather all of the necessary items and show that many kids at one time how to do this.  Even when I was a kid, in Art class we always used store bought tempra paint.  The only thing we "made" from scratch was paer mache.   I remember back in the 3rd grade,  we were to make a fish in Art class out of paper mache.  I realized and noticed EVEN THEN that the teacher focused more on certain students than others.  That's not fair and its not right.   It made me feel like what I was working on was not important, and yet "Bobby's" fish was better than mine.  

Kids today have so much more at their finger tips as far as learning and school.  And they don't need to sit in a classroom in a brick and mortor building to learn.  They can learn at home.  If you stop and think about it, essentially you are teaching your kids at HOME before they even start preschool!  You are teaching them from the day you bring them home!

The fact that we have made the choice and are able to keep our kids at home and that they can and do learn from daily experiences, is a huge blessing to me.  I am thankful that I have that tug in my heart for them to be at home.  I see parents gripe and complain when school is out due to bad weather and I think, "how sad!!"  My kids are always with me.  And when they aren't?  One is at my parent's--stop right there for a minute.  Yes, she is at my parent's house.  And she has the chance to learn about cooking and baking and crocheting DAILY.  What precious memories for her and her Noni!
My oldest is at work.   He has a full time job!  He's got about 4 bills that he pays and takes care of on his own!  I have said a lot lately that he has learned so much in the last year at his job, that he wouldn't learn in school.

A day in the life of home school.....that we are quickly changing to radical unschooling.  Why not you?

Here's my daughter's pics of her home made paint.   She had a ton of FUN doing this! Most kids don't look at school as fun, but rather its boring.  Why not allow your kids to do FUN things daily instead of being bored out of their gourd day in and day out for 7 hours a day?


Friday, April 3, 2015

Nature All Around

There is so much you can learn about daily if you take the time to actually go outside and partake of the Lord's creations!

School today consisted of observing the clouds when we went for a walk.  We are in awe constantly at the beauty of the clouds and quite often find myself pointing out animal shapes in the clouds. Other times we marvel at the different brushstrokes of God's paint brush.

Tonight we had a treat though, as we encountered a Barred Owl. Now that was neat! Not a great pic but you can see the owl still. My daughter was so excited to see it! 

The world around you is a huge classroom! And our kids have a huge advantage compared to what I learned in school! They have the Internet! They can see something and Google it, etc.
I am thankful that keeping my kids at home instead of public school was choice we made for our family. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Runny Babbits

Or bunny rabbit! Whichever you prefer.
I prefer the runny babbit for the humor. Just one of the many funny terms/phrases I picked up from my dad. 

When I was a kid we raised rabbits. Each of us kids had our own. My sister had a chinchilla colored one(can't remember the name), my brother had a solid black one(Mr. Black), and I had a albino white one with red eyes(Snoball). 

Loved my rabbit! One of my chores was to make sure the rabbits had plenty of food and water daily. 

We raised the rabbits for food--we never ate our pets, we are their offspring. Just one of the many wonderful creatures that the Lord provides for nourishment.  Some people eat fish, or deer, when I was a kid we ate rabbit--tastes like chicken! That's not just a phrase--it's true! Actually rabbit is better than chicken. 

My daughter is a huge animal loving kid. Not too many animals she doesn't like. We have two dogs, a cat, a Oscar, my son has a bearded dragon, and we have not one but 2 rabbits. 

After careful consideration we purchased a little black Netherland Dwarf last year around mid April or early May. The lady we got her from wasn't sure but thought the bunny might be pregnant.  Well, fast to June--and we have a baby! Just 1! I was a little surprised-most rabbits have a litter 4-6 babies. Nope, she just had 1. 

What a fabulous Science--daily science class she has!  She isn't going to learn about rabbits daily in public school. She's not going to have one on one or hands on learning with rabbits in public school. 

She has raised and taken care of her baby bunny since he was big enough to be in his own cage.  It's been so much fun for our whole family to watch him grow.  It's been the best home school unschool experience our family has had. 

What a blessing to be able to have this experience with our family!

Meet Olaf! Here he is about 3 weeks old! 

4 1/2 weeks


Thursday, March 19, 2015

To School....or Unschool Its Your Choice


 I remember the day I told my husband I wanted to home school our kids one day.  We weren't even married yet!!!  I told him that if we ever had kids, I always liked the idea of keeping our kids at home.  I remember being pleasantly surprised because he was actually ok with the idea.  For whatever reason, it just kinda shocked me that he agreed to it.  

 It would be 3 years into our marriage before we even welcomed our first bundle of joy into the world!  I constantly mentioned to friends and family that I would one day home school.  I got support from some, others balked at the idea.    And then, when my son was 4 weeks from turning 3, he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  I truly felt like that was God's way of telling me, "keep him at home with you!"  You see, I was already planning on enrolling him at the local preschool program that so many of the young moms in our town were taking their kids to. 

I just couldn't bear the thought of sending him to a place where I had to rely on and teach others to give him his insulin shots.  It was already enough of a shock to his world as it was to have his mom and dad hold him down on a daily basis just to stick his finger and give him that life saving shot he must get either right before or just after he ate a meal.  There was just no way I was going to put him through any more unnecessary trauma.  

And so, in August of 2000, I began my journey in the world of home school.  I gathered anything and everything I could.  I was so excited about being my son's teacher!  I went to Mardel and combed through curriculum and workbooks.  I will admit it was a bit overwhelming--b/c there IS so much out there.  I also still had some comments made that hurt and made me a little angry over all.  "Home school is just dumb!"  "You can't shelter your kids their whole life!"  "Why would anyone want to keep their kids at home instead of sending them to public school?"  Those comments in and of themselves, DROVE me to want to home school even more.  

And so it began.  I started teaching him his ABC's, 123's, he already knew all his colors-I started teaching him those at a very young age already.   He learned how to write his name quickly and I moved on to teaching him to write EACH letter of the alphabet.  He was reading, on his own, by the time he was 4.  

I continued to homeschool my son until he was about 8 years old.  And by that time, I my daughter was a year old.  I wanted a 'break' so to speak from home school and I wanted him to see what public school was like, and I wanted to have that same one on one time with my daughter that I had with him when he was that small.  I remmeber asking my mother, "Am I just a horrible mother for wanting to spend some time with just her??"  Her responce? "Of course not!  She deserves that same time with you as he had with you!"  

Between October of '07-'08 my son attended public school.  I took him before hand and had him 'tested' via the school counselor.  She did various things with him and he basically tested WAY above his age and grade level we were doing at home(which was 5th grade).  His reading level was at a 12th grade level!!!  However, they said that even though his scores were so high academically, they said maturity wise, he would do best starting out in the public school system at the 4th grade level.  And so, thats what we did.  And boy did we get grief for a couple of years from him for 'holding him back.'  Thankfully, that grief passed and it doesn't bother him now.  

Our next venture with homeschooling, went from various curriculums we purchased, to opting to try virtual school, online.   That was interesting.  I liked it, thought it was very cool.  I liked it so much that I went from just my son doing the virtual school, that I also enrolled my daughter in the virtual world of schooling as well.  However, I didn't realize, it just never dawned on me, that the virtual school was PUBLIC SCHOOL online at home.  And that, for whatever reason, made me sick.  I was literally nauseated!!  I didn't want my kids anywhere near the public school system.  

And so, I pulled them.  I pulled my kids from one of the, what I would say is the simplist form of school that they could get.  As a mom, it was fabulous because I mainly had to make sure they logged on and did their daily work.  They had a schedule all set up for their daily lessons.  I dind't plan any of it.  Most of the work was graded as soon as it was completed.  Other work, was done, and uploaded for a teacher to grade it.  Teacher? Online school has teachers?  YES!  The ONLY difference between virtual school and public school?  Brick and mortor building vs the comfort of your own living room.   Whatever was being done in the PS for each of their grade levels, is what they were doing at home.

As of today, at this moment, neither of my kids are enrolled in virtual school.  I had thought about re-enrolling my 9 year old in K-12 again, but those thoughts are quickly diminishing.  My 17 year old, wants nothing to do with virtual school, or public school.  And I can't say that I blame him.  I mean SERIOUSLY!!!  We made the choice to HOME SCHOOL.  That means keeping our kids AT HOME.  And yet, another choice has come into play for our family now.  

I have watched both of my kids struggle with whatever curriculum we purchase; and I've seen them struggle with different lessons online.  I've seen them get upset because they don't understand a math problem.  I've seen my son SWEAR to me he uploaded an assignment and yet the 'teacher' online didn't have it.  (Can't really use the excuse that the dog ate it if its typed up on computer and then uploaded now can you?).  I've watched my daughter with tear filled eyes as she says "Mamma I can't remember how to multiply! I don't understand it!!"

And I am done.  I am done fighting and arguing over what the public school system states that my children MUST learn by the time they are 18.  I am tired of thinking I have to make sure my son completes a Chemistry course, or Geomotry, etc.  I'm tired of hearing, "Why do I have to learn all this anyhow?  I don't want to nor do I plan to go to college!!"  

I'm tired of seeing the frustration in my 9 year olds face, and watching, again, as tears well up in her eyes, because she is having a hard time understanding rounding to 10's, 50's and 100's.  Im tired of watching her struggle as she tries to add  a math problem, and she tries to hide the fact that she is using her fingers to count, to help her come up with the answer.   She shouldn't be afraid to use her fingers to count!!!  And why is she afraid to use her fingers to count?    I took her to Kumon here in town about a year ago and I had her tested to see what grade level she is on.  She tested right around her age/grade level for reading and her math score was so low, they said she needed to go back to doing first grade math!!!   Not only did they tell me this, but they told me IN FRONT OF HER,  "well she still uses her fingers when she counts..."( So what lady!!!  Guess what, Im 42 and I still do the same thing if I feel the need to!!! )  To hear this person tell me this, crushed my daughter's spirit.  I could see it in her face!!!  And its been a huge struggle since that day to get her motivated to do ANY math!!

That day may have been a blessing in disguise essentially though.   Since that day, I have struggled some what with what I need to do.  I do not want my kids in public school.  My son has been there and he's been at home, and he's done the virtual thing.  Virtual school, still means public school, it still means mandatory state testing.  And for what?  I HATED those tests as a kid.  They make those who don't score well feel stupid.  I never had great scores on those tests and I always felt like that meant I was stupid.  

I have seen the term Unschool for a long time.  And I finally started 'researching' it.  And the more I read, the more I thought to myself, "this is what we've basically been doing for weeks now!"

I know that a lot of people don't understand why people home school.  I know that a lot of people DO understand why some choose to home school.  And I also know that home schooling is becoming more and more what parents choose for their kids.  Some choose traditional home school methods.  Some choose electic, some choose to do the virtual schools like K-12.  And there are those who choose to Unschool.  And that, essentailly is what we have been doing.  

The last several months for my kids have been interesting to say the least.  I have struggled with the fact that they may not be 'learning' what the  system states they must learn.  My 9 year old has learned MORE in the last year, raising a rabbit and learning to crochet, and baking than she learned the previous year in K12!!!  My son, has learned more in the last  year than most kids do for the simple fact that he works, full time on a farm!  And they are just as happy as can be!    There's less fighting--dont get me wrong, there are still arguments in our house.  But the lack of fighting about school work--what is done and how its done and if its been graded or turned in--its just not a daily fight that I miss!! And I know my kids don't miss it.  If my 9 year old could sit and draw, and paint all day long, she would be happy as a lark to do just that!

And so, our family, is one of those families who UNSCHOOLS.   My grandmother, was one of my biggest supporters from day one of me home schooling.  The last couple of years that she was still alive, she battled Alzheimers.  She use to ask me what grade my son was in and what school he went to.  I would say, "I home school remember?" And her eyes would light up and she would say, "Good for you!!  Thats the BEST education he can get!"  I'd like to think she's looking down on them now, and be just as proud of them, and what they've accomplished at each of their ages, at home, as what she was with me when I went to public school. 

I remember the struggles I had myself in school.  I hated school.  I went because I "HAD" to go.  I like my son, knew I didn't really want to go to college.  I kicked around the idea some, but that was mainly because my friends were all going.   Would I have been better off to have gone to college? Maybe.  Maybe not.   I've seen lots of people who have gone to school for this degree or that, and they STILL don't have 'enough education' for what they are majoring for.  

I would rather my kids, learn from real life experiences as they have been, than to force them to sit in a classroom for hours every single day, bored out of their gourd.  And essentially, they've already experienced that boredom as it is.  They were both bored with the virtual school as it was.  That was a huge reason in itself to pull them.  

You DO have a choice to send your kids to school, or to keep them at home. You DO have a choice in what they learn, and how they learn it.  If you've EVER contemplated home schooling? Go for it!  

Saturday, March 7, 2015

American Dream

What is the American Dream?  That is a S.E.R.I.O.U.S. question.  Stop and think about what it means to you.  Are you living it now?  Do you wish you were living the American Dream?  

American Dream: N; 1) the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity, traditionally held to be available to every American.   2) a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the U.S.

Now, are YOU living the American Dream?   Do YOU want to live the American Dream?  Do you sit at your job every day, and ask yourself  "Why am I here?"  You know you do! You know there's more to life that sitting behind a desk every day for 8 plus horus a day.  You know there's more to life than working 13 hours a day building SOMEONE ELSES DREAM!!!

What about those who have several part time jobs?  They work at one job, and turn around and head to the next job.  They work countless hours to help their families to be able to pay utilities, put food on the table, get school clothes for their kids.  And then there are those who work more than one job, so that their spouse can stay at home with their kids, rather than putting the kids in day care.

Then, then there's those who love their job (like me) but they simply want to be able to give more and help more people.  I love and am so incredibly thankful for my job.  I am super duper blessed.  I actually look foward to getting up daily and going to work.  

What if I told you that there IS a way to live the Americn Dream?  What if I told you there IS a way to get out of the mundane, stressful, craziness of Corporate America?  What if I told you that you CAN make a living for yourself without constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul?

My friend Andi Duli has an AMAZING story!!  I've known Andi for 2 years and I am blessed to know him.    Andi is from Albania, and came to America to live the American Dream.  I can't tell his story because you need to hear it from him.

Andi's Story
Network Marketing Success Stories: The Immigrant Pizza Delivery Driver

Zurvita Opportunity


Wednesday, February 18, 2015



     There is new and EXCITING news about Zeal Wellness!!  Its no longer considered a 'dietary supplement'!  It's now Functional Food!

     Dr Scott VanLue : "WHY ARE FUNCTIONAL FOODS AND THE WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION OF ZEAL FOUNDATIONAL TO NUTRITION?  because more people on a global scale die from the complications of obesity and eating too much than starvation-World Health Organization
The world needs Zeal, you need Zeal"

What exactly is the difference between functional food and a dietary supplement?

Functional Food: In contrast to most dietary supplements, functional foods are components of the usual diet that may have special disease preventative attributes and are the topic of current traditional scientific investigation.  According the to Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, a functional food is 'any food or food ingredient that may provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients it contains"(45).  Unlike dietary supplements that can claim only general health benefits, functional foods may claim specific health benefits because they are considered part of the diet.  The literature on functional foods is vast and growing exponentially, and this review can touch only a few points that are essential for the practitioner.  

Dietary Supplement:
Dietary Supplements are used by more than one-half of the adult US population.  In contrast to pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements may be sold in the United States with little regulation other than listing of ingredients and the potential health benefits.  By contrast herbal products in Germany are carefully regulated by the same standards as drugs, and efforts are under way to standardize their regulation in the entire European Union.   Most herbal users do not inform their physicians that they are taking these supplements,and most physicians do not inquire.  Although some herbal products have clinically proven benefits, it is increasingly apparent that many contain potentially toxic substances, particularly in relation to interactions with drugs.  Hence, it is essential that practicing physicians develop a working knowledge of herbals--specifically, about claims for their usage and potential or proven efficacies and toxicities--and that they incorporate such knowlege into the evaluation and management of their patients.  By contrast, functional foods--integral components of the diet that are understood to contribute added health benefits--are the subject of intense and widespread research in food and nutritional science.  Examples may include polyphenolic substances, carotenoids, soy isflavones, fish oils, and componants of nuts that possess antioxidant and other properties that decrease the risk of vascular diseases and cancer.  Practicing physicians are advised to stay abreast of these emerging findings in order to best advise their patients on the value of health-promoting diets in disease prevention. 

Something for everyone reading this to think about.  Some of you personally know me, most of you do not.  Those of you who do know me, know that back in 2009 I started having horrible issues with pain all over my entire body after I had a hysterectomy.  I didn't know why.  My gyno didn't know why. My primary doctor at the time didn't know why.  All they wanted to do was to put me on various medications. And they wouldn't listen to me.  It wasn't until I went to the doctor on day in TEARS because I felt SO bad.  I hadn't slept hardly any in several days.  I had a massive headache and I just felt like total crap!  He agreed to do his own series of labs and sent me to a Rheumitologist.  That was in September of '09.  For the next 3 1/2 years, it was nothing but doctor visits and medications--meds that were increased when one dosage didn't work.  If increasing didn't work, then a whole new medication was introduced, which took another 4-6 weeks to get into my system.  

All of that being said, how many of you who DO personally know me, KNOW just how bad I felt?  For 3 1/2 long miserable years, I felt like total crap!  I hurt so bad, that all I could think was, "This must be what it feels like to be 80!"  And I had resigned myself to the fact that I would feel like crap for the rest of my life!   I'm only 42 now--so to think back to when all the pain issues "exploded" just makes me tired to think about it.  
That's exactly WHY when someone, who saw me at least 3 times a week, someone who saw me going to appointment after appointment, and taking medication after medication..she saw it.  She saw me cry because I was doing everything the doctors told me to do.  She saw me struggling and when she found something amazing?  She SHARED it with me!  Had she not discoverd this stuff, and had she not shared it with me?  I would NOT be where I am today!!!  As I sit and type out this post, its hard to not sit and type through tears.  I was in a totally different place, than I am now.  I actually feel good!  

My life was totally changed 2 years ago because someone told me about Zeal Wellness.  I'd never heard of it.  I was feeling SO bad, I was ready to try ANYTHING!  I never said "NO!"  I said "YES!" from day one of it being offered to me.  To think, had I said 'no thanks', or 'forget it'l....I just wouldn't be sitting here.  I'd probably be stoved up in bed all the time. I know I would be b/c I was about there anyhow.  I worked part time, but it was a chore in itself.  My kids didn't know if I was going to be asleep half the day or actually doing something around the house.  

THATS why our family is SO passionate about Zeal Wellness!  THATS why we SHARE about Zeal like we do!!   I simply can NOT keep it to myself.  That would be rude and selfish of me to not share it.  This product was placed in front of me at just the right time and I totally believe it was a total GOD SEND in my life.   Of course my family knows what its done for me but I have several friends who have seen the change personally as well.  They know exactly where I use to be a little over 2 years ago before I ever started using Zeal.  It gave me my life-physically-back and I am SO thankful for that!

Zeal for Life is a Functional Food.  Its not just a 'dietary supplement'.  Its NOT just about losing weight.  Its about getting healthy and being healthy.  Its a FACT that you do NOT get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need daily, just by 'eating right'.  I have the BEST product that is a "Functional Food" which means that Zeal Wellness is the best product you could put in your body!  Before you write it off, give it a try.  Don't blow it off because you "think" its a fad. Don't discount it because you had a friend who didn't like it or see any results.  EVERYONE has their own story and their own results.  Find out for YOURSELF why it truly is THE BEST ON THE PLANET!!!!  

*Zeal Wellness is not intended to heal, or cure or diagnose any medical conditions*