There is new and EXCITING news about Zeal Wellness!! Its no longer considered a 'dietary supplement'! It's now Functional Food!
Dr Scott VanLue : "WHY ARE FUNCTIONAL FOODS AND THE WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION OF ZEAL FOUNDATIONAL TO NUTRITION? because more people on a global scale die from the complications of obesity and eating too much than starvation-World Health Organization
The world needs Zeal, you need Zeal"
What exactly is the difference between functional food and a dietary supplement?
Functional Food: In contrast to most dietary supplements, functional foods are components of the usual diet that may have special disease preventative attributes and are the topic of current traditional scientific investigation. According the to Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, a functional food is 'any food or food ingredient that may provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients it contains"(45). Unlike dietary supplements that can claim only general health benefits, functional foods may claim specific health benefits because they are considered part of the diet. The literature on functional foods is vast and growing exponentially, and this review can touch only a few points that are essential for the practitioner.
Dietary Supplement:
Dietary Supplements are used by more than one-half of the adult US population. In contrast to pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements may be sold in the United States with little regulation other than listing of ingredients and the potential health benefits. By contrast herbal products in Germany are carefully regulated by the same standards as drugs, and efforts are under way to standardize their regulation in the entire European Union. Most herbal users do not inform their physicians that they are taking these supplements,and most physicians do not inquire. Although some herbal products have clinically proven benefits, it is increasingly apparent that many contain potentially toxic substances, particularly in relation to interactions with drugs. Hence, it is essential that practicing physicians develop a working knowledge of herbals--specifically, about claims for their usage and potential or proven efficacies and toxicities--and that they incorporate such knowlege into the evaluation and management of their patients. By contrast, functional foods--integral components of the diet that are understood to contribute added health benefits--are the subject of intense and widespread research in food and nutritional science. Examples may include polyphenolic substances, carotenoids, soy isflavones, fish oils, and componants of nuts that possess antioxidant and other properties that decrease the risk of vascular diseases and cancer. Practicing physicians are advised to stay abreast of these emerging findings in order to best advise their patients on the value of health-promoting diets in disease prevention.
Something for everyone reading this to think about. Some of you personally know me, most of you do not. Those of you who do know me, know that back in 2009 I started having horrible issues with pain all over my entire body after I had a hysterectomy. I didn't know why. My gyno didn't know why. My primary doctor at the time didn't know why. All they wanted to do was to put me on various medications. And they wouldn't listen to me. It wasn't until I went to the doctor on day in TEARS because I felt SO bad. I hadn't slept hardly any in several days. I had a massive headache and I just felt like total crap! He agreed to do his own series of labs and sent me to a Rheumitologist. That was in September of '09. For the next 3 1/2 years, it was nothing but doctor visits and medications--meds that were increased when one dosage didn't work. If increasing didn't work, then a whole new medication was introduced, which took another 4-6 weeks to get into my system.
All of that being said, how many of you who DO personally know me, KNOW just how bad I felt? For 3 1/2 long miserable years, I felt like total crap! I hurt so bad, that all I could think was, "This must be what it feels like to be 80!" And I had resigned myself to the fact that I would feel like crap for the rest of my life! I'm only 42 now--so to think back to when all the pain issues "exploded" just makes me tired to think about it.
That's exactly WHY when someone, who saw me at least 3 times a week, someone who saw me going to appointment after appointment, and taking medication after medication..she saw it. She saw me cry because I was doing everything the doctors told me to do. She saw me struggling and when she found something amazing? She SHARED it with me! Had she not discoverd this stuff, and had she not shared it with me? I would NOT be where I am today!!! As I sit and type out this post, its hard to not sit and type through tears. I was in a totally different place, than I am now. I actually feel good!
My life was totally changed 2 years ago because someone told me about Zeal Wellness. I'd never heard of it. I was feeling SO bad, I was ready to try ANYTHING! I never said "NO!" I said "YES!" from day one of it being offered to me. To think, had I said 'no thanks', or 'forget it'l....I just wouldn't be sitting here. I'd probably be stoved up in bed all the time. I know I would be b/c I was about there anyhow. I worked part time, but it was a chore in itself. My kids didn't know if I was going to be asleep half the day or actually doing something around the house.
THATS why our family is SO passionate about Zeal Wellness! THATS why we SHARE about Zeal like we do!! I simply can NOT keep it to myself. That would be rude and selfish of me to not share it. This product was placed in front of me at just the right time and I totally believe it was a total GOD SEND in my life. Of course my family knows what its done for me but I have several friends who have seen the change personally as well. They know exactly where I use to be a little over 2 years ago before I ever started using Zeal. It gave me my life-physically-back and I am SO thankful for that!
All of that being said, how many of you who DO personally know me, KNOW just how bad I felt? For 3 1/2 long miserable years, I felt like total crap! I hurt so bad, that all I could think was, "This must be what it feels like to be 80!" And I had resigned myself to the fact that I would feel like crap for the rest of my life! I'm only 42 now--so to think back to when all the pain issues "exploded" just makes me tired to think about it.
That's exactly WHY when someone, who saw me at least 3 times a week, someone who saw me going to appointment after appointment, and taking medication after medication..she saw it. She saw me cry because I was doing everything the doctors told me to do. She saw me struggling and when she found something amazing? She SHARED it with me! Had she not discoverd this stuff, and had she not shared it with me? I would NOT be where I am today!!! As I sit and type out this post, its hard to not sit and type through tears. I was in a totally different place, than I am now. I actually feel good!
My life was totally changed 2 years ago because someone told me about Zeal Wellness. I'd never heard of it. I was feeling SO bad, I was ready to try ANYTHING! I never said "NO!" I said "YES!" from day one of it being offered to me. To think, had I said 'no thanks', or 'forget it'l....I just wouldn't be sitting here. I'd probably be stoved up in bed all the time. I know I would be b/c I was about there anyhow. I worked part time, but it was a chore in itself. My kids didn't know if I was going to be asleep half the day or actually doing something around the house.
THATS why our family is SO passionate about Zeal Wellness! THATS why we SHARE about Zeal like we do!! I simply can NOT keep it to myself. That would be rude and selfish of me to not share it. This product was placed in front of me at just the right time and I totally believe it was a total GOD SEND in my life. Of course my family knows what its done for me but I have several friends who have seen the change personally as well. They know exactly where I use to be a little over 2 years ago before I ever started using Zeal. It gave me my life-physically-back and I am SO thankful for that!
Zeal for Life is a Functional Food. Its not just a 'dietary supplement'. Its NOT just about losing weight. Its about getting healthy and being healthy. Its a FACT that you do NOT get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need daily, just by 'eating right'. I have the BEST product that is a "Functional Food" which means that Zeal Wellness is the best product you could put in your body! Before you write it off, give it a try. Don't blow it off because you "think" its a fad. Don't discount it because you had a friend who didn't like it or see any results. EVERYONE has their own story and their own results. Find out for YOURSELF why it truly is THE BEST ON THE PLANET!!!!
*Zeal Wellness is not intended to heal, or cure or diagnose any medical conditions*
*Zeal Wellness is not intended to heal, or cure or diagnose any medical conditions*
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