Network marketing. What what what? That's what I use to ask when my husband would say he wanted to work from home. What? and Why? And then the words, "It will never work!" would eventually come out of my mouth. And he was indeed burned a couple of times by little biz adventures and I finally, in 05, said 'NO MORE!' "NEVER AGAIN" and lets not forget the most famous one!.."I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!"
Been there done that? A lot of you have been there too. Who doesn't want to be able to stay at home with their family? Who doesn't want to miss watching their kids grow up? Think about it. You get up and go to work each day. Your wife stays home with the kids. The kids are either at school all day, unless they are home schooled and then they are obviously at home all day. Your stuck at work at your J.O.B.(just over broke). You come home from work each day and hear about all thats happened throughout the day. And you missed it. First words, first time to roll over, first time to take off crawling, first steps, first home run in ball, first piano recital, ETC. You go to your j.o.b. day in and day out, to provide for your family. After all, you have bills to pay--rent/mortgage, car payment, FOOD, clothes, cell phones--face it people, those are becoming a necessity!
Is it really SO wrong to want to be able to provide all of those things for your family, and do it from the comfort of home? That's a SERIOUS, legitimate question. Sit there and ponder it for a minute.
I know what your thinking. "All those work from home jobs are just scams." "All they do is take your money and screw you over." "Well my friend Bob joined that company, and he never made any money..." Sound like something you've said before? Well, I can tell you that I DID! I said all of those phrases. And I swore I would NEVER allow my husband to do anything like that EVER EVER EVER again! I am one of the biggest skeptics! But, not anymore.
And here we are 7 1/2 months into our adventure with Zurvita. And I can assure you it was one of the BEST decisions that I made! Yes, you read that right--I MADE IT! Not Kyle--but ME!!!
Had I not jumped in with both feet, we wouldn't be where we are now. We have goals, and dreams and Zurvita is helping us to meet those goals and helping the dreams come true.
I will be honest and tell you, I didn't really get into it to make any money. I said, "if we make some money, great! if we don't, big deal!" (We made what we invested back--each of us, in 30 days!) My goal was to get an amazing product for FREE and I met that goal in about 3 weeks.
So, 7.5 months into my biz adventure and I am getting free product(Kyle is too) and we have a little bit of extra money each month to help us with groceries, as well as to help pay off a stack of medical bills that we have piled up.
Is it really so wrong that I want to share that with all of you? I really don't think it is. I want to be able to share and shout to the world how my life has changed since January 27, 2013. I want to share and shout to the world how an amazing product has helped my entire family--my house hold as well as the rest of my family. And I want to share with people--the benefits that have came about financially as well.
THATS why I share Zeal with so many people. Thats why all I talk about is ZEAL!! ZEAL ZEAL ZEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its NOT A SCAM!!!!! Just because its "network marketing" doesn't mean its a scam!. Do the research. Get the facts!
Think about it. Every single person in this world essentially is doing network marketing EVERY day!
Your sitting with a friend(S) and your discussing buying a new big screen TV. Your discussing the pros/cons, each stating which model is best, etc. Your networking!!! Your having a discussion with your co-workers on the upcoming ball game. Face it..your social NETWORKING!! NETWORK marketing is EVERYWHERE!!!
Don't knock it till you try it! I've heard that all my life, typically about eating certain foods. But, that phrase can be said for a LOT of things!!!
So many opportunities, and they are right in front of you. Don't listen to others who immediately shoot you down when you mention the words, 'network marketing at home'....Don't let the NEGATIVE people keep you from going for goals and dreams! Don't let someone else and the fact that they hate this type of work, keep you from stepping out and making POSITIVE changes in your life! You have every right and DESERVE to be financially free just like so many others are doing.
Network marketing is not a bad thing like a lot of people think it is. Find the right company, with the right core values, and you will succeed. Zurvita's core principles are that 1) be a company that Glorifies the Lord, 2)create strong but humble leadership 3)create an environment where people can win at any level.
I am thankful and honored to be a part of one of the fastest growing companies today. And YOU can be a part of it as well. Its up to you!
Zeal For Life Challenge
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