Misconception: n. A mistaken thought, idea, or notion; a misunderstanding.
How many of us have misconceptions about stuff every day? I know I do. But, if you have a misconception about something, shouldn't you ask questions about it? At least take the time to research it, instead of just totally writing it off?
I'm going to cut to the chase on this post. "Have you heard of the Zeal for Life Challenge?" Its not just about weight loss. Its about getting healthy, for life!
(disclaimer: what you are about to read below is in no way stating this is a cure)
I'll admit the first time I saw that question, or even the first time I saw anything about Zeal, I thought to myself, "What the heck is that?" I didn't ask a lot of questions, I'll admit. Little did I know that me finding out about Zeal was just around the corner!
You see, I started seeing stuff on Facebook about Zeal right around November of last year(2012). I saw a friend posting about earning some extra money, and thought, "well that's cool.." Then, then I saw her with a car she was driving for FREE, because of this Zeal. And, I still didn't ask about it. I continued to watch her posts but I didn't think much about it, as far as asking exactly what it was.
Then, one day in January, a friend brought me a bottle of Zeal. She came and hunted me down at work, and said, "here, try this. I think it will help you feel better!" I thought, well, what have I got to lose? I couldn't think of a single thing. I was already taking a boat load of pills--everything from over the counter stuff to help me sleep because the prescription ambien was not working any longer, to over the counter vitamins that didn't do anything but make me want to puke, to the various other prescriptions for depression/anxiety, migraines, etc.
Had someone said January 1 that I'd be where I am today, I would have laughed my booty off! There is NO WAY I'd ever try anything like that. I've been that person to steer clear of anything like this. But, I sit and think about it now and it was meant to be. God knew exactly where I was, and how I was feeling. He knew how much I laid awake at night and cried because my legs hurt so bad and I couldn't lay still. He knew how tired and irritable that I was. I prayed every night, "Lord please just let me get some sleep tonight. Even if its only an hour or two, I have to sleep!" Then when I'd get up the next day, it would be, "Lord I need your help to get through this day." And I'd go to work and I'd get through the day--but let me tell ya, soon as I walked in the door, I'd have to go straight to bed and sleep for the next 2 hours at least. My poor kids knew I would have to go lay down. I literally relied on my son to make sure my daughter didn't get into anything she didn't need to be messing with. I couldn't even do any school work with either of them until after about 5pm.
Misconceptions? Yes, I had them. All I had to do was to ask about Zeal and what it was. But I didn't. Maybe it just wasn't the right time for me to know about it? Maybe I was suppose to be more curious and be the one to ask what it was? I honestly don't know. But what I do know, is that I never said "NO" I never said, "No Im not interested." I was interested and I was thrilled that someone took the time to share it with me. Had they not shared it with me, then I probably wouldn't feel as good as I do right now. Had I not tried Zeal, I'd still be taking a boat load of pills. And I am sorry, but to stand in my kitchen or my bedroom or where ever, swallowing pill after pill day in and day out---BLEK!! It makes me ill just to think about it. Its not a cure all--its vitamins! And when our bodies have the PROPER vitamins and nutrients, then it will begin to heal itself from the inside out just as God intended it to. I am no longer taking any medications-not even an ibuprofen or Tylenol. I feel better than I have in years and I will not keep that to myself. I will not. I firmly believe the Lord wants me to share what an amazing product this is, and just what its done for me and my family. No misconceptions there. No sir!! My family is Zealin for Life!
Now, what about you? Have YOU heard of the Zeal for Life Challenge?
Check it out here: Zeal For Life Contact Me: Lesley Otwell
These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent disease. The information on this site is not intended to
replace advice from your physician or other health care professional or
any information found on any product label or packaging. You should
always consult with a qualified health care professional before starting
any diet or supplementation program, especially if you are pregnant,
nursing or taking prescription medications.
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