
Thursday, July 25, 2013


Kyle and I made the choice a few months ago now, to step out on faith and start a journey, that I honestly NEVER thought I would ever choose.  You have to understand, that I have seen my husband want to work from home for most of our 19 years together.  I've heard him say, "This one is going to work!"  "Well, that was a totally different thing, I KNOW this one will work this time."  I have had to bite my tongue, HARD to avoid telling him, "I told you so!!!!!"
This time its different.   This time, it was actually MY choice.  I can tell you straight up that I would NEVER have thought about doing this if I didn't believe in the product, or the company.
How many companies have the core principles like these:
1) Create a company that glorifies God
2)Create strong humble leadership
3)Create an environment where people can win at every level

We just attended a conference this past weekend and I can assure you that our company is indeed founded on the principles listed above.  They gave credit to the Lord EVERY single chance that they got.  Grown men stood on stage in front of 1800+ people and cried, and thanked their company leaders for the humble leadership that they see daily.  Those same grown men, show their own humble leadership to their teams each and every day.  They are not money hungry and greedy.  They want to HELP other people and help their families!

People making the CHOICE, to start a journey, stepping out on faith that the Lord is going to be there with them, guide them, and take them where ever He will take them.  

We heard so many amazing and wonderful stories at this conference.   And its REAL LIFE stories, not a load of crap that just made up to make someone look good.  People who started out on this journey with NOTHING.  People who simply started the journey to help their family out with finances, and have an extra $500/month.  They have been tremendously blessed!!!!!!!

I know everyone gets sick and tired of hearing Kyle and I both talk about what we are going.  But, here's the deal.  We made the CHOICE to start a JOURNEY, and we are on this journey TOGETHER, with the LORD right by our side!!!!!!!!   We feel in our hearts that sharing with everyone, as we have been doing, is exactly what He wants us to do.  If we don't share it with others, then essentially, we are being selfish!

We have pretty big goals and dreams and we do not intend to over look them.  We have trials we've been through.  We have dealt with hardships.  We deal with storms each day just like the rest of the world.  But we are making the CHOICE to make some changes.  I don't expect everyone to understand where we are coming from in what we are doing.  But I do expect respect for OUR decision in what we are doing.  Don't sit there and tell us we are stupid, or crazy or wrong.  Course, if you do tell us that, your just fueling our fire to get up and get out and continue the road ahead of us on the journey we chose to be a part of.

You  can make the same choice.  I know there are a lot of you reading this, who are just like a lot of folks.  Your struggling with finances, you don't feel good-your exhausted--physically and mentally.   And the bottom line is that you can continue to sit and do nothing about it and whine and gripe and complain about how you feel, and about your job and how much you hate it, or you can get up, do something about all your gripes and make changes happen!!

I literally NEVER thought I would do anything like I am doing now.  But I am, and Im glad I listened to my gut when I decided to go for it.  I've made a lot of new friends, that are essentially just like family when you sit down and think about it.  

Where do you want to go?  Are you ready for a new journey?   The choice is yours--don't  wait for someone to make the choice for you, b/c it will never happen!  Only YOU can make the choice to change.

Feel free to contact either of us:
Zeal Challenge
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