I find myself asking myself WHY a lot? Why am I doing what I am doing? Why am I so passionate about some of the things that I am passionate about? Why do I want so badly to share my company and product with others?
Let me just tell ya WHY. Because I BELIEVE in this product and I believe in Zurvita. Zeal Wellness could not have came into my life at a better time.
I know that I sound like a broken record. And guess what? I DO NOT CARE!!!! I KNOW what Zeal has done for myself, and my family members, as well as several friends.
And that is WHY I feel the way that I do about it! Its WHY I want to repeatedly SHARE ZEAL with everyone.
If you know me, and what I've been through over the years, then you know that I was not in a good place, at least not physically. And if you really think about it, mentally. I felt like total CRAP!!! When you've dealt with depression, and anxiety, migraines, insomnia, ETC for over 13 years, and you've been on prescription medication for all of those things, only to have additional diagnosis for other ailments, and even more prescription meds, you just get really sick of taking a boat load of pills each and every day. Pills that you take each and every day, and see absolutely NO results from taking them. Oh wait, there ARE results...weight gain, nausea, constipation, ETC. Who the heck wants to take pill after pill and just deal with yet another issue from the pills? I for one was SICK OF IT!!!!!
That is why I say that Zeal was literally a God-send for me!
Since starting Zeal in January, I NO LONGER have ANY of the issues that I listed above. NO migraines, insomnia, depression, anxiety, ETC. And I've lost about 18 pounds now and I have not even been trying to!!!
That brings me back to the question of WHY? Why is it so hard for people to believe that this stuff works. Its the real deal. Its not a hoax or a joke or a scam. And I KNOW thats what a lot of you people reading this think. Believe me when I say, I DID TOO! BUT, as I have also said, I took a leap of faith and tried it and I will not go back to where I was before Zeal. I just won't. I KNOW that it has a ton of nutrients and vitamins that I just don't get from eating right. I can get up, drink my Zeal and within seconds, I can tell a difference in my mood and how I feel. I can go throughout the ENTIRE day without the need to go lay down and take a 2-3 hour nap after I've been at work all morning. Heck! I come home from my cleaning job at work and then I clean some more at home. Yes, I admit, Im a little OCD..sorry. But hey, I'd rather my house be clean than for it to be a filthy pit because I don't feel like doing anything. For me, before Zeal, getting up, going to work for about 4 hours, and then coming home and napping is exactly what I did. I didn't do school with the kids. I didn't do much of anything. It was a HUGE chore to feel like doing anything. I was tired from having insomnia. I was hurting--fibromyalgia flairs had my muscles and joints screaming at me.
So that being said...How do you feel? Think about that. And answer it truthfully. How do you feel? Are you tired? Are you down and depressed? Do you sleep? And even if you feel GREAT and don't have any physical issues you are dealing with, EVERYONE needs vitamins. Because as I said, you just DO NOT get EVERYTHING you need vitamin and supplement wise just in the foods that you eat.
WHY, if you could get everything you need each day, in just ONE little 6oz drink...WHY wouldn't you try it? Just give it a chance. Try it for 30 days!!! WHY???? Because we have a
If you have been wanting to do something to better your health, the time is now. As one of my favorite people says, "For a real good feeling, you should be Zealing!"
I just read a testimony today about a young lady with Cerebral Palsy. It has calmed her moods, helped her depression, and has had better control of muscle spasms. Folks that is an AMAZING testimony!
Is it a miracle cure or drug? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our bodies are the MIRACLE that God created--and when they have the right things going into them, they WILL heal themselves from the inside out!!!
You have an amazing opportunity to make changes to your health today. WHY NOT go for it?
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